The Master Guide To ODIN shadows

Download the eBook!

With the information in this eBook, you’ll learn how the ODIN Difference can help you:

  • Remotely manage complex systems

  • Track trends

  • Prevent and resolve problems

  • Access your building’s systems from anywhere, anytime

  • Improve your customer and building tenant satisfaction

  • And more!

If you’re interested in seeing how ODIN can help your BAS embrace the future, download our eBook today! We want your building’s systems to be as effective and long lasting as possible, and with the ODIN Difference on your side, we think it can do just that.

About ODIN-LogoWithText-FullColor2

The centerpiece and mission statement of ODIN Building Automation Systems is to provide an integrated user interface to present a complex, technical HVAC system in a simplified format. We use common network connections with computers and mobile devices to leverage internet access and provide a powerful tool to help manage a building’s operation.

We hope this eBook is a helpful resource to you and your team as you continue to find new and intuitive ways to manage your buildings better, smarter, and more efficiently.

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Remote Access

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Multiple Site Management

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Customizable Settings