
Download the eBook!

Higher education facilities management has never been easy. Institutions grapple with legacy building management systems, mismatched communication protocols, neglected backlogs of HVAC and energy data, and more. With campus expansion outpacing tuition revenue, the pressure has never been higher on your facilities team.

ODIN was designed to take the pressure off. Our cloud-based software simplifies building management and empowers your team with fast access to the data insights and building controls they need, wherever they are, on any device.

In this eBook, you’ll discover:
  • The state of building management in higher education today
  • How to put your building data to work
  • The advantages of cloud-based building management
  • The efficiency savings of automated alerts and nuanced data trends
  • Solutions for mismatched communication protocols
  • The building analytics metrics you should be tracking
  • And more!

Cut through the clutter and put the whole campus in your pocket. ODIN complements (and ties together) every existing BMS on your campus with seamless, truly remote building management and an easy-to-use mobile app.

About ODIN-LogoWithText-FullColor2

The centerpiece and mission statement of ODIN Building Automation Systems is to provide an integrated user interface to present a complex, technical HVAC system in a simplified format. We use common network connections with computers and mobile devices to leverage internet access and provide a powerful tool to help manage a building’s operation.

We hope this eBook is a helpful resource to you and your team as you continue to find new and intuitive ways to manage your buildings better, smarter, and more efficiently.

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Remote Access

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Multiple Site Management

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Customizable Settings